ISACS Accreditation
Forest Ridge Academy is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS), whose motto is “excellence, equity and independence.” ISACS accreditation certifies that Forest Ridge Academy is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization and operates sufficiently independently of all organizations to determine its own mission and program:
- Validates that the school has met more than fifty standards of best practice for independent education.
- Confirms that the school subscribes to principles of good practice in admissions and employment.
- Requires that the school undergo a financial audit on a periodic basis and respond appropriately to any recommendations by the auditors.
- Attests that the school has a fully developed and disclosed mission and philosophy of education, and that its programs are congruent with that philosophy.
- Requires that the school undergo a comprehensive, rigorous, and thorough process of school improvement every seven years involving broad participation of school personnel, the board of trustees, and major constituencies.
Every seven years, the ISACS self-study and external review process covers all major aspects and programs of the school, citing strengths and challenges faced, and recommendations for improvement. As part of the accreditation cycle, the school completes a comprehensive self-study and other tasks which are then reviewed by a visiting team. The visiting team is comprised of teachers and administrators from ISACS member schools who understand and appreciate independent school qualities and contributions to education.
Accreditation is approved (or not) by the ISACS Board of Trustees based on the visiting team’s and ISACS Evaluation Review Committee’s recommendation and findings. The ISACS accreditation process has itself been accredited as meeting the standards of the National Association of Independent Schools Commission on Accreditation.
In addition to accreditation, ISACS membership provides the school community access to professional growth programs that demonstrate and teach best practices in independent education. Forest Ridge Academy, a member in good standing of ISACS, is one of over 230 of the region’s strongest independent schools.
For more information about ISACS, visit
Accreditation is approved (or not) by the ISACS Board of Trustees based on the visiting team’s and ISACS Evaluation Review Committee’s recommendation and findings. The ISACS accreditation process has itself been accredited as meeting the standards of the National Association of Independent Schools Commission on Accreditation.
In addition to accreditation, ISACS membership provides the school community access to professional growth programs that demonstrate and teach best practices in independent education. Forest Ridge Academy, a member in good standing of ISACS, is one of over 230 of the region’s strongest independent schools.
For more information about ISACS, visit